

Peru's Chief Executive May Inspect Laboratories Here

His Excellency Manuel Prado, President of Peru, will arrive in the Yard this morning at 10:30 o'clock for a brief two hour tour of the University. This visit is but one of his stops on a goodwill mission to the United States to investigate the effects of war on this country.

Accompanied by several Peruvian officials and his son Manuel '42, President Prado will be received in the Faculty Room by President Charles Francis Adams of the Board of Overseers, and George H. Chase, Dean of the University. Dean Chase will represent President Conant who is in Washington.

After a brief visit to Widener and Houghton Libraries the official party will go to Dunster House to be received by Clarence H. Haring, Robert Woods Bliss Professor of Latin American History and Economics. Prado's son was a member of this House.

Laboratory Visit Possible

If time permits, the Presidential party will possibly visit various laboratories where war work is being carried on. One of the purposes of Prado's visit has been to visit war production centers. Yesterday he went through airplane plants in Buffalo.


A more complete tour of the University has been scheduled, but may be waived in view of the limitations of time. After leaving Cambridge, the party will return to Boston for a luncheon to be given at the Harvard Club of Boston at 1:30 o'clock by Governor Saltonstall '14. Henry L. Shattuck '01, Senior Fellow of the Corporation, and several members of the Faculty, will represent the University at the gathering.

Among those making the tour with President Prado is the Honorable R. Henry Norweb '16, United States Ambassador to Peru. Military and Naval Aides are also in the party.
