

Conant Chooses Committee To Help Defense Students

A Committee on Relations with Special Wartime Personel, designed to furnish information, hospitality and "other services" to students sent here by the Army, Navy or Governmental research departments, has been named by President James B. Conant.

The Committee's members include E. Leon Chaffee, director of the Cruft Memorial Leaboratory; Edwin C. Kemble, chairman of the Physics Department; Myles L. Mace, assistant professor of Business and Government; Mason Hammond, associate professor of Greek and Latin; and Raymond Dennett graduate secretary of Phillips Brooks House.

Card to Be Issued

One of the first activities of the group will be to issue registration and identification cards to special wartime students one May 20/ At that date, an information bulletin will also be published explaining athletic, library, social, medical and housing facilities offered by the College.

It is also expected that an auxiliary Women's Committee will be formed in the near future to help the formed in the near future to help the wives of these students get better acquainted with the University and its surroundings. Members of this committee have not, as yet, been chosen.
