

Conant, Saltonstall Will Inspect Units

All activity in the Square will come to a halt this afternoon at 3:45 o'clock when the massed formations of 1600 Harvard men in uniform parade through the Johnson Gate on their way to Soldiers Field for the largest full-dress review in the recent history of Harvard's military and naval units. In keeping with the grandiose scale of this affair the reviewing party will include such notables as President James B. Conant, the Governor of the Common wealth, and the commanding officers of the First Corps Area and the First Naval District.

At approximately 3:15 o'clock the command "By massed batteries, fall in" will echo through the Yard as the major part of the combined participating units, including the Army and Navy ROTC battalions and the Signal Corps officers from Cruft Laboratory, form their ranks in preparation for the parade.

Army ROTC Leads Way

Led by the Army ROTC, the units will then march from their assembly points near Widener Library, Memorial Chapel, and University Hall across the Yard and through Johnson Gate. From there, to the martial strains of the Fort Devens band, the column will proceed through the Square and make its way down Boylston Street, to the river.

Nineteen Gun Salute


The sounding of the Adjutant's Call will be the signal for the massed units, including a motorized battery of Army R.O.T.C. 75's, to form for review. The official reviewing party will be composed of President Conant, Governor Leverett Saltonstall '14, Major General Sherman Miles, Commanding General' of the First Corps Area; Rear Admiral William T. Tarrant, Commandant of the First Naval District; Colonel Francis Doniat, commanding officer of the Army R.O.T.C. unit; Captain George N. Barker, commanding officer of the Navy R.O.T.C. unit; members of the Board of Overseers; and other military and civilian dignitaries.

Following the playing of "Ruffles and Flourishes", and a nineteen gun salute in honor of the Governor, the reviewing party will inspect the ranks and then the whole line of march will pass before the reviewing stand.

Approximately 7,500 seats will be available to the public in the baseball grand stand at the southerly end of Soldiers Field, and ample parking space is located in the football parking field. The public will enter at Gate 6, North Harvard Street, at the Bowl end of the Stadium.
