

Brunschwig Will Address Free French After Movies

General Charles DeGaulle's personal representative at the Free French Delegation in New York, Colonel Roger Brunschwig, will talk and show moving pictures to the Harvard Unit of France Forever and others interested, in the Leverett House Common Room tonight at about 8 o'clock.

Here in Boston to report to local anti-Vichyites on the occasion of Joan of Are Day yesterday, France's unofficial ambassadors to the U.S. originally planned to come to Cambridge to consult informally with the nucleus of the Harvard movement headed by Georges Gerad '43.

To Reach Larger Audience

But to meet an expected popular demand to hear an official spokesman of the Free French regime, original arrangements for a discussion restricted to members of the College France Forever unit have been expanded to include a larger audience and movies in tonight's program. In addition a special showing will be presented next Wednesday of "Iis Etaient Cinq" with Jean Gabin, and the proceeds of this performance will go to buy a second ambulance for the American Field Service serving in Egypt.

At 10 o'clock, after tonight's meeting, Colonel Brunschwig will be interviewed by E. Randolph Biddle '43 for the benefit of Crimson Network listeners.
