Sophomores enrolled in the Naval V-1 program will now have a much better chance to finish College, according to Elliott Perkins, head of the program at Harvard, who announced last night that the examinations for entrance into V-7 and V-5 will be held next March instead of the intended date of May 1, 1942.
Under the plan as originally announced, members of the Class of 1944 would have received the two years of College offered by V-1, but after passing the examination on the first of May would go almost immediately into the Navy.
Another problem peculiar to the Sophomore in V-1 will be cleared up by the postponement. While he would have been rushed into the examination without a chance to brush up on his mathematics, or take courses in parts of it where he was deficient, the new system will allow him almost a full year in which to prepare himself for the technical side of the exam.
No Withdrawing From V-1
At the same time, Perkins explained that the Navy will no longer allow this year's Sophomores who fail the physical examinations for transfer into V-7 or V-5 to withdraw from V-1. From now on, everyone enlisted in V-1 must either pass the comprehensive exams which will make him officer material, or serve in the Navy as a noncom.
The former exception of present Sophomores from this rule, Perkins said, was designed to compensate for the disadvantage of taking the examination almost immediately after enlistment in V-1, which would have been the case had the examinations not been postponed.
As reported in yesterday's CRIMSON, Professor Perkins will have an office with the newly enlarged Service Bureau, and can supply whatever information the prospective V-1 enlistee may require.
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