
OCD To Hold Regional Meeting Here Saturday

80 New England Colleges Will Join Conference at PBH

Eighty New England colleges will send representatives to a regional OCD conference at Phillips Brooks House this Saturday. In one of the largest discussion meetings of its kind yet organized, 175 persons will hear addresses by numerous government officials on all phases of civilian defense work.

J. Elden Sawhill '43, chairman of PBH, and in charge of plans for the conference, has outlined the schedule with Maxwell Miller, Regional Director of Youth Activities of the OCD. The conference has been set at Harvard because of its proximity to the Regional Office in Boston and the facilities available.

Each College to Send Two

Every New England College was invited to participate and 80 have accepted. Each institution will send two representatives, one faculty member and one student. Harvard's delegates have not yet been selected.

In the morning the participants will join a general session and after speeches and luncheon will divide into a student and a faculty group in the afternoon. A final general meeting will climax the day's ceremonies.


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