
Auditors in Summer School Must Pay Fee; Attendance to Be Checked in All Classes

This is the second of a series of articles describing the program planned for this year's 12-week Summer School, including courses, admission, faculties, scholarships, and extra-curricular activities.

Harvard students who are accustomed to wander into any course they wish will receive a rude jolt if they attempt to do so at Summer School. For there is a fee of five dollars to audit another course without taking examinations or doing the required work.

Those who want to audit courses on a big scale may secure an auditor's pass, which will permit them to attend as many other courses as they wish. This will cost $25 a term if one is taking one course, or $10 if one is taking two courses.

As a matter of fact, the custom of charging auditor's fees has existed at the Summer School for some time. They were originally established to prevent gate-crashing--many people used to attend classes without registering or paying any fees whatsoever.

Atendance will be checked at all classes, although perhaps not every day. Thus Juniors and Seniors must get back into the habit of sitting in the same seat at all times. Otherwise, present regulations will obtain, and only Freshmen will be required to attend classes regularly.

All of these restrictions may seem to infringe upon the traditional freedom of Harvard students. But it can be easily seen that they are more than counterbalanced by the savings which result from them. The tuition fee for two full courses is $160, as opposed to the $200 normally charged for a half year's study.


Thus in the fall and spring terms the student can go to all classes but pays more for the privilege, whereas in the summer he is on a "pay-as-you-go" basis.

Financial Asset

It is a common belief that the Summer School is a financial burden on the University. As a matter of fact, the School has always been an asset to Harvard despite the low tuition charges, etc.

This year the School will save more than it ever has before, because the Faculty as a whole has offered to serve throughout the summer without pay. The bill for instruction last summer was $85,000; this year, with relatively few instructors receiving salaries, the bill is only about $15,000. And the Summer School this year, through a larger attendance than ever before, is saying more than this $70,000.

Unlike the custom in past years, there will be very few faculty members on leave from other colleges. This is partly because salaries are generally not being paid, and partly because the teachers are busy elsewhere. The only men to be employed will be those who are replacing Harvard faculty members in Washington.

Visiting Professors

Among the teachers from other institutions who have already agreed to join the Harvard faculty for the summer are Professors Kohn of Smith, Scott of McGill, Kinkeldey of Cornell, and Murphy of New York University.

Meanwhile, the Harvard instructors will be far from idle. The fact that they are going without pay does not seem to alter their desire to work; rather it seems to encourage it. Take the example of Professor Kirtley F. Mather. He is teaching Geology 1 throughout this year, he will teach it throughout the summer, and he will keep right on in the fall. He will continue to teach more advanced courses and seminars at the same time. And as if this were not enough, he will continue as Director of the Summer School which is really a full time job in itself.
