

Mahon, Steele, Perkins Will Assist In Office; Faculty To Be Offered Advice

Owing to the rapidly growing demands on the facilities of the War Service Information Bureau, the Harvard Corporation has approved plans for enlarging this department, Dean Chase announced yesterday. Law Professor A. James Casner, who heads the present information center, has accepted the position of director of the enlarged office, which at present is located in University R.

The work of the Bureau will be the same as it has been since it was established last fall, specifically to help students find the branch of the armed forces for which their training or physical condition best fits them. An important addition, however, will be the extension of the Bureau's services to members of the Faculty and staff of the University.

Furthermore, there will be added emphasis on civilian government service jobs and volunteer part-time work.

Henry M. Mahon '22, Business Manager of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin, who has been assisting Professor Casner since January 1, will become a regular member of the staff. John L. Steele, in charge of the Phillips Brooks House placement office, will devote half his time to the work of the Bureau. Elliott Perkins '23, Master of Lowell House, will also have his office with the Bureau, and will be available for consultation on the Navy's V-1 program, which he heads at Harvard.

Professor Casner will be in direct charge of collecting and organizing material concerning opportunities in the armed services; Steele will take as his particular responsibility the matter of collecting and organizing information on civilian opportunities in the government and in the Civil Service; and Mahon will undertake to advise students interested in volunteer part-time work for civilian service.


Dean Chase said, however, that each man will be fully acquainted with material in the hands of his colleagues, so that anyone seeking employment or specialized Army or Navy work will have every chance to become acquainted with information on record at University R.

Library of Information

Any student, member of the Faculty, or staff employee wishing information on war service work of any kind may arrange an appointment with one of these four men. These may be made by calling Kirkland 7600, extensions 325, 326, or 327.

A further service which has been introduced is the establishment of a library of information on these matters which has been placed in the waiting room of the Bureau and may be consulted during office hours.

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