
Track Meet With Dartmouth Is Mysteriously Cancelled

Accelerated Course May Be Real Couse

The facts behind the simple, routine release that the H.A.A. issued yesterday stating that the Harvard-Dartmouth track meet, scheduled for May 9, had been cancelled, appears to be somewhat of a mystery.

The reason given by the Hanover authorities for the abandonment of the meet, is that May 9 is their graduation day, under the accelerated program. But they knew this last winter, when they set the date, at the same time that other universities were changing their programs. Not only that, but, long after the decision to move their Commencement date ahead, they got in touch with William J. Bingham, director of Athletics, asking for a change in the order of events for the meet.

When they wrote Bingham yesterday, asking him to cancel the affair, he called Hanover, and suggested May 2 as a new date. But the athletic authorities in the hills of New Hampshire, said "No," pleading out because of exams.

According to Coach Jaakko Mikkola, it is a disappointment both to himself and his team. The Indians are entering a so-called "token team" in the Heptagonals, May 16, after their graduation, but a dual meet between the Heps and the next informal meet would have helped to condition Jaakko's runners for the all-important Yale affair.

Bingham has tried to get another meet to fill in for the cancelled Indian event, but he has had no luck as yet, and probably will not be able to find another since schedules are made up so far in advance.


He had hoped to have Harvard join in the Princeton-Yale dual meet, but, since only men who place in the Eli races and field events get major "H's", this plan was ruled out; a triangular meet cut down the number of entries from each college, and the percentage of each team that places.
