

Sophomores, Juniors Meet Tomorrow About Positions

Following up their decision announced yesterday to reorganize the elections to the Senior Album board, a meeting will be held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow at which Sophomores and Juniors interested in working on the Album will be interviewed.

The new board will be chosen by the present Album committee, subject to the approval of the new sub-committee of the Senior Council. The men elected will be taken from lists compiled partly by the sub-committee, and partly from men interviewed tomorrow.

Board Entirely Appointed

Whereas the board this year was composed of six men, four elected by their class, and two appointed after a competition, next year's board will be entirely appointed by this year's Album committee and the Senior Council sub-committee.

There will be no competition for executive positions this year, as there has been in the past. Formerly there was a five week competition for such posts, but it will be eliminated by the new appointive system. Those who get on the board this spring will become active soon, since the '43 Album must come out next February.


The interview for Sophomores and Juniors will be held in 13 Shepard Hall.
