
Trackmen Beat BC In Informal Meet

Mikkola Aggregation Still Inexperienced, However

Although those who casually looked over the summary of the informal track meet held Saturday between Coach Jaakko Mikkola's Crimson charges and B. C.'s purple and gold runners would be impressed with the tremendous power of the home team in taking a huge percentage of the firsts, the picture thus obtained is not anywhere near accurate.

The team is still untried, in spite of that meet, because only in the weights did the men from the Heights offer real competition. In most of the running events, the conquerors of the Vols entered only one or two men, and no mile relay quartet stepped to the starting line for B. C.

Varsity Well Bolstered

Also, the Varsity squad was well bolstered by several powerful Freshmen, including double-winner Ted Withington and star hurdler Wes Flint. These men, of course, will not be available for Varsity meets this year.

But the battle between Bob Houghton and Bill Palson for the victory in the mile was a sight to see. The two men, Bob running slightly out front, led the pack all the way, stretching their lead with every yard. In the last 80 yards, Palson sprinted, and drew ahead. Although the bespectacled captain put on the pressure, last year's Freshman leader was able to hold him off to win by inches.


Mike Ford, record-smashing pole vaulter, had a tough afternoon. On his first trial jump, he twisted his ankle, as he fell, and thought he was out for the next two weeks. Although he later discovered that he was safe from the bench, he proceeded to smash his favorite pole on another trial hop.
