
Trackmen Race B.C. Informally Saturday; Weakened Tennis Team Faces Princeton

Crimson Underdog; Everts, Ellis Out

Handicapped by the loss of Al Everts and Russ Ellis, Coach Jack Barnaby's Varsity tennis team swings into action against a strong Princeton squad at Princeton tomorrow, and an equally powerful Pennsylvania aggregation at Philadelphia on Monday, with the Crimson rated as an underdog in both matches.

Everts, regular number one player, is unable to make the trip because of illness, while Ellis, regular number three player, remains in Cambridge because of heavy scholastic duties. Coach Barnaby yesterday named nine players to make the trip: Jim Jenkins, Captain Orme Wilson, Hugh Hyde, Bill Kissel, Howie Ezell, Ted Cohn, Will Nicholl, Lin Burton and Dick Sorlien.

The Crimson racquetmen defeated Vanderbilt, 5-4, and lost to Tulane 9-0 and 5-2 during their recent spring trip, while Penn has taken the measure of Swarthmore 7-2.
