
College Grants Nine Sheldon Scholarships

Nine Sheldon travelling fellowships, totalling $9,700, have been awarded to graduate students at Harvard University for the 1942-43 academic year.

These fellowships, giving freedom to travel and study as the recipient chooses, are among the highest academic honors at Harvard, and were established in 1909 by the bequest of Mrs. Amey Richmond Sheldon, in memory of her husband, a member of the Harvard Class of 1842.

The winners are Clifford R. Bragdon, of Walpole, Mass., education; James M. S. Careless 2G, of Toronto, Ont., Canada, history; Richard M. Dorson, of Cambridge, Mass.; American civilization; Robert A. Rennie, of Blackstone, Mass., economics; David Spring 3G, of Toronto, Ont., Canada, history; Marcus Singer 4G, of Pittsburgh, Pa., biology; Charles E. Passage, of Cambridge, Mass., German; Donald L. Everhart 3G, of Granville, Ohio, mineralogy; and (for the summer of 1942) Roger M. Colo 3G, of Marblehead, Mass., biology.
