
Appointments Announced

Seven appointments to the teaching and research staff at Harvard, effective immediately, were announced by the University today, as follows:

Beverly C. Dunn Jr., of Seattle, Wash, as Teaching Fellow in Electronics; A.M. Harvard '42; Leverett S. Tuckerman Jr., of Salem, Mass., as Teaching Fellow in Electronics; A.M. Harvard '42; Edwin C. Gras, of Cambridge, Mass., as Teaching Fellow in Alternating Currents; A.M. Harvard '40; Herbert Jehle, of Cambridge, Mass., as Instructor in Physics; Dr. Engin. Berlin '33; Jackson E. Morris, of Hoquiam, Wash., as Teaching Fellow in Physics; A.M. Harvard '41; R. Ross Lamoreaux, of Santa Barbara, Calif, as Bigelow Fellow, School of Education; M.S.Ed. University of Southern California '40; William H. D. Vernon, of Brussels, ont. Canada as Teaching Fellow in Psychology; M.A. Queen's University '38.
