
Anthropologists Will Meet Today

Every topic from the most technical anthropological questions to anthropology in the War will be discussed in the conferences of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists which begins today and continues until Saturday.

The conference will be opened this afternoon with a business meeting concerned with the reports of officers and committees, election of new members, and introduction of new business.

Following the business meeting, there will be the first presentation of the papers by members, including the "report of progress on the South African man-apes," by William K. Gregory and Miles Hellman of the American Museum of Natural History.

Tonight's meeting will be devoted to the annual public address of the Association, delivered by Dr. C. Ray Carpenter, whose topic will be "Behavior and Social Relations of the Rhesus Monkey."

The conference will conclude on Saturday morning with a round-table discussion dealing with the subject of physical anthoropology and the war, conducted by Dr. C. B. Davenport of the Carnegle Institute and Major George D. Williams of the United States Army.
