The elevation of Fascist Laval to complete authority in the official government of France comes as a surprise only to those who have refused tense of autonomy, France has been a defeated na-of the Vichy regime. For regardless of its pretense of autonomy, France has been a defeated nation since June 1940 and has never had the power to oppose any direct German demands. The government's part has been that of a propaganda agency, designed to persuade the French people that all steps taken by Vichy were French steps for French Freedom. But the essential military role of French approved Japanese penetration of Indo China, without which the Malayan and Burmese campaigns would have been impossible; the production of French factories for the German army; the presence of Axis military missions in Martinique and Madagascar; and the use of French facilities to aid the Nazl Libyan campaign proved that Vichy has been an integral part of Germany's New Order.
Arguments that Dakar and the French flect might be turned over to the Axis if the U. S. took decisive action on Vichy collaboration may have been valid in the days when that regime was still playing mouse to Germany's cat, but with Laval in command of all military and political resources, France becomes a full fledged member of the still growing corporation. Vichy's navy will be on hand when the Axis is ready to use it, and with every indication of the start of a spring offensive, that time must be near.
Further fence-straddling by the State Department is pointless. Now is the time for the severance of relations with the French Axis government and for all out support of the Frce French forces whose actions have been so hampered by the ambiguity of American policy. Now is the time to rally the remains of the democratic spirit in the people of France by answering General de Gaulle's plea in which he said: "What could we tell French citizens whom we enlist to suffer torture and death in resistance if it were understood that the French-men who have been fighting are treated neither as allies nor as belligerents. . . . Fighting France intends to go along with the Allies so long as the Allies go along with her. She will do everything she can to help their victory but on the condition that that victory will be hers also." Vichy France can not replace such an ally.
We waited for Japan to move and got Pearl Harbor, if we wait now we will see unopposed German entry into Tunisia, Martinique, and Dakar. At times sitting on the fence may be permissable, handcuffing yourself to it is never so. The Allies must stop making their plans on the Nazi timetable and must move against French bases at their own time, not at Hitler's.
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