

Drive to Send Volumes to Armed Men Begins April 16

Planning to collect at least one book from every upperclassman, Phillips Brooks House and the Defense Service Committee will stage an all-out Book Drive Thursday night. The 1,000 volumes they expect to collect will be donated to the armed services.

Under the direction of Thomas M. Stanton '44 and Joel Cohen '43, a network of canvassers has been worked out with a supervisor in each House and a representative in each entry. Between Thursday and Monday these delegates will try to fill the Harvard quota.

Old Clothes in May

This concentrated drive, seeking only books and magazines, will replace part of the annual PBH old clothes drive. In the past, both efforts were held simultaneously and this year the clothes drive will be continued in its customary May spot.

The urgency of the Harvard drive results from the failure of Greater Boston to fill its 100,000-book quota over a four-month drive. Forty thousand volumes are yet to be collected and the Youth for Victory group has taken on the burden of acquiring 20,000. Harvard's donation will be made through that organization.


Not to Canvass Yard

No canvassing of Freshman halls will be attempted at this time as the Yard was recently covered by the Liberal Union for the same purpose. Contributions from the Yardlings for this campaign will still be sought, however.

Previously the books collected by PBH have been placed in its Student Loan Library. This year not only will a greater number be sought but a wider variety of books and periodicals, everything from fiction to textbooks and science monthlies to picture magazines.
