Snow, for the fourth time in two weeks, frustrated the Crimson Varsity's baseball plans by whitewashing the contest scheduled with B. U. for last Saturday afternoon.
Lashing the castern seaboard, the freak April blizzard wiped out more than 10 intercollegiate diamond engagements. The Penn-Navy clash at Annapolis was the only major contest to be played, and it resulted in a ninthinning 11 to 8 victory for the Quakers.
New Date Not Yet Set
Fate of the snowed-out home game is still very much in doubt. B. U. meets Rhode Island State on Tuesday afternoon and feels hesitant to tackle the Crimson on either Monday or Wednesday.
Caoch Floyd Stahl, at the same time, fears the effects of a midweek match on the Varsity's trip to Army, Princeton, and Columbia over the extended Patriots' Day weekend. Whatever the decision, Stahl plans to counter the postponement by playing a series of intra-squad practice contests throughout the week beginning with a Varsity-Freshman game this afternoon.
Both Wednesday and some date next week remain possibilities for the B. U. game, or it may have to be dropped entirely. Then Harvard would only meet the Terriers once, on April 25 at Riverside. With the encounter cancelled, Crimson fans would not have the chance to see the Varsity in action until it plays Northeastern on April 22.
Crimson opponents were just as much affected by the inclement weather on Saturday. Columbia's trip to West Point never came off and the Lafayette game at Princeton had to be postponed.
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