Snowed under by a closing hurry of one-handed tallies, the Freshman cagers bowed to fast and accurate Dartmouth five last night, 61-47. The uncanny accuracy of the Green in their pet right-handed shots provided the push which dealt the Yardlings their third loss of the current campaign.
Gauding closely, the home contingent slowly gave ground to the Indian quintet until the opening of the second half, when a Crimson scoring spree carried to within three points of the victors. Jack Carroll, brilliant Hanover forward, single-handedly repulsed this foray; and two later rallies, with right-handed heaves that floated through the meshes from every angle on the floor.
Bixler Scores 15 Points
Forward Frank Bixler, with 15 points, and Guard Mike De Leo with 12 led Freshman scoring in this defeat by an unbeaten Dartmouth aggregation. Other Yardlings to score against the Indians were Dean Hennessey and Captain Mike Keene, who each accounted for seven points, and Don Richards, who was close behind with six.
The defeat ended a Freshman winning streak, during the last two games of which they garnered a total of 169 points, but still leaves them the impressive record of 11 wins in 14 starts.
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