

Album Committee Nears End of Ballot Counting

Facts about the Class of 1942 which have been long suspected but never before tabulated will be divulged in the results of the Senior Album Poll. Committee members last night were nearly through with the task of compiling the answers to the Senior Class questionnaire.

Significant of Harvard's intellectual vigor was the majority response to one of the questions, which revealed that the average Senior spends at the most only two hours a week in Widener and House libraries.

Most members of the Class of '42, the poll showed, consider Wellesly their favorite women's college, while they do not even deign to rank their near neighbor across the Common. A few individuals, however, mentioned Yale or the Harvard Summer School as their candidate for this honor.

No one popular orchestra has yet shown a lasting superiority as the results are tabulated, but it has become increasingly evident that opinion is strong for the favorite cigarette, and that the majority of Seniors, like Johny, "call for Phillip Morris." In addition, although the final decision has by no means been settled as yet, indications are that Bette Davis will run off with the Harvard Academy Award.

According to Album officials, the results from the more controversial questions asked on the poll will be tabulated in several different ways, in order to reveal varying cross-sectional opinions. Seniors who have filled out the Album poll questionnaires will be classified regionally, scholastically, and financially.


"In this way we will be able to sco how environment, money, and ability as a student affect the Seniors answers," stated William B. Young Jr. '44, member of the Album Board. "Obviously a Dean's List man will think differently of Widener Library than some other men." He explained.

Answers to other poll questions, not yet fully ascertained will appear at length in the Senior Album when it is published May 15, Elections to the board of next year's Album have been delayed, because it is extremely uncertain now whether a '43 issue will be practical.
