For the first time since hostilities broke out in 1939, war conditions will hit home at Harvard tonight when, with the sounding of the public sirens, Cambridge blacks out its lights from 10 to 10:30 o'clock.
Never before in the history of the College has a blackout been attempted, but yesterday University officials expressed confidence that tonight's drill, though without precedent, would be a complete success.
"Business As Usual"
The slogan for the blackout seems to be "business as usual." In a final statement to the residents of Cambridge, Major Ralph W. Robart, Chief Air Raid Warden, asked that "everyone carry on life and business as near usual as is possible during the blackout."
"The public," he added, "has only two duties during the practice: the first is to keep off the street; the second is to show no lights and leave none burning in unoccupied homes, apartments, or parked automobiles."
No Hindering
Supplementing Major Robart's statements were several dictums issued by Dean Hanford and Aldrich Durant, chief warden of the Harvard District, calling for cooperation from the student body and adding that any student found seriously hindering the blackout "may have his connection with the University dishonorably severed."
The duties of the hundreds of air raid wardens detailed to patrol Cambridge's streets this evening will be twofold. First, they are charged with the responsibility of preventing panic, and, second, they are to see that all lights are extinguished as promptly as possible. In connection with the latter task, it was announced that smoking or lighting matches outdoors during the blackout is expressly forbidden.
Preparing for tonight's drill, Leverett House held its own practice blackout yesterday evening from 10 to 10:15 o'clock. The blackout was pronounced successful, all lights having been extinguished by two minutes after ten.
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