Breakfast, for those of the Bellboy population who took it, was a somewhat nightmarish meal yesterday morning, when the total outlay of 650 spoons was found missing from the tables. Some men stirred with knives, ("While there's knife, there's hope," said the Boston Traveler), some stirred with fountain pens, some didn't stir at all.
Depositing his loot in a barrel in an empty storage room on the top floor of F entry at about 2 o'clock in the morning, with a crash which did not arouse the suspicions of night-owl thesis workers, this year's version of Snooperman pounded down the stairs before chase could be given.
The missing silverware was finally discovered yesterday afternoon, and a quizzing of the nearest entry-dwellers failed to produce any information concerning the prank. Two strong janitors were needed to get the barrel down stairs, and onlookers wondered how one man, in one trip, could have carried the whole load at once.
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