

Varsity Faces Providence Mermen in Tonight's Meet

Coach Hal Ulen's Varsity swimming team swings into action against the Providence Boy's Club tonight at 8:45 o'clock in the Indoor Athletic Building in a meet which should prove to be a runaway for the Harvard tankmen.

Prior to the Varsity meet the Crimson Yardlings will engage the Boston Boys' Club. Captain Jim Hubbell will lead his teammates in an attempt to gain their sixth victory of the current campaign, this time against the settlement house stars.

Ulen May Experiment

Tonight's Varsity meet should serve the main purpose of giving Ulen an opportunity to experiment with his team in an effort to find the best combinations for the two remaining meets on the Crimson schedule, namely Columbia and Yale.

The Columbia meet scheduled for Saturday probably will shape up to be one of the closest contests of the year for the Ulenmen, particularly because the Lions have two extremely good swimmers this year in the persons of free style artist St. John and butterflier Simihitsi.


Chance to Watch Sophomores

Tonight's Varsity meet should also give Crimson roofers a chance to watch more closely some of the up and coming members of the team who have not been given much notice in previous meets. One of these meremen is Merrill Stocker, whom Ulen has been grooming to take back stroker Bill Drucker's place in the event that Drucker enters graduate school next year. Another is butterfly artist Tony Myrer who, together with Don Harting, stands good chances of being Ulen's main entries in the breast stroke throughout next year's campaign.
