
Skaters Face Strong Tigers In Last Home Engagement

Game Tonight Seen As Close Contest

HARVARD  PRINCETON Harding, lw  rw, Faxon McGrath, c  c, Stuckey Loring, rw  lw, Young Paine, ld  rd, MacCoy Summers, rd  ld, Schmon Fenn, g  g, Kelley

In what is probably their last home engagement of the year the Varsity skaters play host to Princeton at 8 o'clock tonight at the Boston Skating Club. In case of a tie series with Yale, the playoff would be scheduled for the Arena, but, barring this happy eventuality, the six is about to pass into local oblivion.

The game should be a close one, with the Tigers favorites by virtue of their taking three of the four games already played. In all but one of these encounters, however, the margin of victory has been two goals or less.

What advantages the Crimson might ordinarily be expected to gain from meeting the foe on home ice will be offset by the changes which Coach John Chase has been forced to make in his forward lines. Two of his three trios will be playing as a unit for the first time tonight, and this fact should cut down their operating efficiency.

Chase Shifts Lines


To make up for the loss of "Gipper" Gebelein, Chase has had to move Dick Harding up to the first line, where he will play left wing. Caleb Loring, who was previously in that position, has moved over to the right side, and that leaves Gordy McGrath as the only holdover.

The Tiger to watch is Dan Stuckey, captain and center. In the last meeting between the two teams he scored all four of Princeton's goals, unassisted, three on solo breaks and the other on a deflected shot.
