
Navy's M-2 Quick Way To Active Sea Duty

Enlisted Men May Advance Rapidly on Inshore Patrol

Avast, there, you sea-loving men, for here is your opportunity to launch a career in the U. S. Naval Reserve. If you lack Mil Sci or Naval Sci in your curriculum, don't let that stop you from serving your country in its greatest crisis. In this branch of the Navy, known as M-2, you will find the physical requirements less stringent and the age limits 17 to 50 years of age.

While the Navy wishes to fill this class primarily with experienced maritime personnel of offshore fishing, coastal vessels, and yachtmen, even those without aquatic experience may possibly secure a rating here. This group of men will be mainly used in manning the Local Defense Force vessels of the First Naval District, or in any locality in which the Navy Department regards their services necessary.

These vessels range from converted steam and diesel yachts, trawlers, and power boats to Coast Guard Cutters, minesweepers, and net tenders.

Personnel of the class will be enlisted in the following ratings:

Boatswain's Mate, Coxswain, Quartermaster, Signalman, Seaman, First & Second Class, Radioman, Carpenter's Mate, Shipfitter, Boilermaker, Electrician's Mate, Fireman, Yeoman, Storekeeper, Ships Cook and Machinist's Mate.


Active for Duration

Active duty in the Naval Reserve will be for the duration of the emergency. Here is the opportunity for young men who have sailed their own craft along our coastal waters to employ their knowledge and skill in the interests of our beloved country--even those with-out maritime experience will find a career and a chance to advance rapidly while exploring the lore of the sea.

Further information may be had at the following Naval Reserve Recruiting Offices, 13th Floor, 150 Causeway St., Boston; Naval Reserve Armory, Old Pest Office Building, Portland Maine, where a few minutes heart-to-heart talk with an understanding officer will help you and where your particular talents can be used to your advantage and Uncle Sam's.
