

Four Crimson ski teams take the field this Sunday to shoot for the laurels in the annual Schussverein downhill race to be held on the intricate Bear Mountail trail in Bartlett, N. H.

Heartened by their surprise showing on the Wildcat last weekend, the Varsity again is out to give the Dartmouth skiers a run for their money with three teams consisting of eleven men. Five Freshmen make up the fourth group.

Ferner, Bigelow Current Favorites

Finn Ferner and Hank Bigelow are the logical favorites to gain top honors for the "A" team, but experience so far this winter has discouraged heavy bets on any one person, so Del Ames and Tom Winship are likely to place as high as either of the others.

Most of the "B" team are unknown quantities, since all of them, Bill Apthorp, Jim Gamble, and Dick Wood have done more recreational skiing than racing. Wood was on the Freshman team last year, and Apthorp ran for the Varsity.


Preb Motley and Mac Griffin are the most experienced of the "C" team with Buck Anderson completing the trio. Yardling hopes are banked mainly on Will Cochran and Dunc Reid who were far from skunked last weekend, and on Braley Cameron and Joe Fitzpatricks.
