
Runners Lose To Dartmouth, 52-48

Indians Take Last Event to Defeat Crimson at Hanover

Without any idea of excusing or rationalizing the Dartmouth victory over the Crimson track team Saturday by a score of 52-48, it may fairly be said that hard luck played no small part in the Indian win.

The New Hampshire men have a strong, powerful team, but so has Coach Jaakko Mikkola, and the meet was a toss-up, decided by the last event. In the broad jump, which was the finale of the program, Dartmouth's Peterson leaped 22 feet, 11 3/4 inches, admittedly out of the class of any of the Crimson jumpers. But the loss of second place to Gorman of Dartmouth was a different matter.

Tom Holyoke, leading Crimson broad jumper, pulled a muscle a couple of weeks before the Yale meet last week. Although he jumped against the Elis, it didn't do him any good, and he was tired afterwards. So Jaakko gave him a week's rest. But in his first jump Saturday, the pulled it again, and although he tried to jump on a taped leg, he had no luck. A second for Tom would have tied the meet, and with one or two more breaks, the score would have been different. But there is small use grousing because there is no doubt that the Dartmouth have a very powerful squad up there in the hills of Hanover.
