

To the Editor of the Crimson:

The Faculty vote on compulsory physical training would seem to imply that the professors recognize the value of good physical condition. This assumption is not supported by the evidence. The incidence of fat, flabby, pot-bellied individuals among the Faculty group is too high. Many professors who appear to be in good condition would be unable to do the exercises designed for conditioning the students.

Last fall about a dozen men joined the Faculty gymnasium class which meets twice a week. The current average attendance is four to six and this group includes several Army officers. Not a single member of the regular teaching staff is represented. Several members of the Faculty do take other exercise in the gymnasium, but including these, less than one per cent of the Faculty utilize the gymnasium facilities which they so strongly recommend for the students. The usual excuse is lack of time, but the Faculty members have just as much time as the students who have laboratory work every afternoon. Karl Sax,   Professor of Botany.
