

In the opening rally of the "Bonds for Victory" campaign last night, a group of undergraduates responded generously to the appeals of three speakers, two news reels, and one Donald Duck, to pledge a total of $810.75 in government bonds and stamps.

Including contributions from eight College organizations, the amount raised pleased officials in charge of the drive, who emphasized that they hoped that it would be but the beginning of an habitual practice here in the University. Simultaneously, they announced that a door-to-door campaign would begin next week, in an effort to reach every student personally.

After a short introductory speech by Richard L. Hall '43, chairman of the campaign committee, John T. Dunlop, Faculty committee instructor in Economics, stressed the absolute necessity of a continued purchase of war bonds. He was followed by the showing of moving pictures of Pearl Harbor and various phases of war industrial production.

As the last speaker, the Reverend Francis Syre said that buying bonds was one way of taking an active part in the war. To conclude the program, Donald Duck exhibited his patriotism and his mathematical ability in Disney's "The New Spirit."


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