

Student Council Appoints Group To Study Problems

Despite an unavoidable reduction in the amount of available funds, there will continue to be sufficient work to answer the real needs of under-graduates here, Charles W. Duhig, Director of Student Employment, said yesterday.

"What the situation will be this summer is not exactly known," he said, but a Student Council subcommittee has been established to investigate the problem.

Although the committee, headed by Thomas Matters, '43, has as yet reached no definite decision, it feels that extra help on the part of the University would assist in relieving students of the trouble entailed by going far from College to find work.

Luxury Trade Fiat

In addition to this, Duhig admitted that employment conditions this summer would not be as favorable as in the winter. The luxury trade of entertainment and tutoring will be especially fiat in comparison to past years, he said.


According to the Student Council, however, many students felt that some provisions would have to be made for those who are passing up high war wages and houses this summer to take advantage of the accelerated program. This, the Council reports, is one of the problems that is being studied by the Matters committee.
