

Daly, Rand, Cannon, James Warren, Thurston Promoted

Professors Reginald A. Daly, Edward K. Rand, Walter B. Cannon, Eldon R. James, Joseph Warren, and Edward S. Thurston have been appointed to the position of Professor Emeritus, the University announced Sunday. The appointments become effective September 1.

Professor Daly received his B.A. from Victoria University, Toronto, in 1891. In 1912 he was made Sturgis Hooper Professor of Geology, and lately has had charge of much of the graduate work in Geology.

Born in Boston in 1871, Professor Rand received his A.B. from Harvard in 1894. Many other degrees have marked a long teaching career. In 1931 he was made Pope Professor of Latin, and since 1925 has been Honorary Curator of Manuscripts.

Professor Cannon, born in Wisconsin in 1871, received his degree here in 1896. A physiologist since 1900 he was made George Higginson Professor of Physiology in 1906, and served as Acting Dean of the Medical School in 1926-1927.

Receiving his S.B. from the University of Cincinnati in 1896, Professor James joined the Law School Faculty in 1923. Since then he has been Librarian of the Harvard Law School Library.


Professor Warren '97 was appointed Weld Professor of Law in 1929, and was Vice Dean from 1928 to 1930.

Professor Thurston '98 was appointed to the Faculty of the Law School in 1931. For a time he served as Judge Advocate of the A.E.F. in North Russia.
