To the Editor of the Crimson:
I am referring to your issue of March 11th and your interview of Mr. Kruse.
Mr. Kruse's attempt to label the present blackout in German education as "handicaps" makes me wonder just how much he comprehends the real situation, as critical, broad-minded and unbiased people see it.
Mr. Kruse states that the German youth brought up under the Nazi regime, Nazi philosophy and Nazi training will be "assimilated successfully" into German life. I take it he means a reconstructed Germany, i.e. a non-totalitarian Germany--a democratic Germany.
How can the German youth that has been imbued with arrogant feelings of racial and mental superiority, that has been brought up in hatred for everything non-German, that has been trained for the domination or destruction of everything outside of Germany, how can such a generation ever fit into a democratic world?
Mr. Kruse's comparison of the present situation with that of 1919 does not hold water; and he himself admits that "the world war veterans did not fit so normally into the social pattern."
There is only one thing that they, the veterans of the last war, and the Nazi youth of today have in common: the sense of "Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles. . . ." and the blind obedience to the state--which Mr. Kruse calls supreme devotion.
Supreme devotion to the state in the true sense of the word--and not in the distorted one of Nazi philosophy--can be said only of people who are free, who in the fullest possession of the dignity of true freedom choose to give support to their country. The Germans have never been a free people, they have never been able to assert their rights, they have always been ruled, and, therefore, remained politically immature. If the generation of the last war veterans--due to lack of proper training for self-government--could not make a success of their new Republic, how much less can the present Nazi-trained Germans find their places in a peaceful world! The Nazi educational system is not based on respect for other nationals, peoples and creeds or on cooperation with the rest of the world. . . it is an all-out effort to rule the world, because they cannot live in peace with the world. May God prevent that "the present enthusiastic Nazis and their educational system will eventually become an important component of the future German national life."
It will take many years to make the present and future Germans overcome the brutalities of their Nazi philosophy, and it will require the assistance of all democratic peoples to help implant in the German people, in place of their present lust for power and power politics, the idea of right and the ideal of humanity. I. K. F.
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