
Inter-House League Games Satisfy Conditioning Rule

Exercise Period To Precede All Tilts

Participation in inter-House athletics will exempt students from part or all of the new compulsory athletics program, Adolph W. Samborski '25, director of Intramural Athletics, announced yesterday. House residents may work off up to all four of their conditioning periods by competing in House baseball, softball, or crew this spring, he revealed.

Beginning April 6, all of the House teams will meet at an appointed spot for a short conditioning period preceding the scheduled contest. This period, not to exceed 20 minutes, will end in checking of attendance, and instructions by the Faculty member in charge as to the credit being given for the event.

Partial Credit for Tennis, Golf

According to present plans, active participation in either House baseball or softball games, preceded by the short workout will count as sufficient weekly credit and will exempt men from all of the regular calisthenics classes for the same week, Samborski said. Rowing on any of the crews will also count as full credit, but conditioning periods of greater length will be substituted for the usual preliminary exercise.

Samborski added that partial credit would be given House tennis and golf this spring. "The requirement for two of the four periods can be filled by playing with the House tennis and golf teams.


Emphasizing that these new regulation may be exploited by men eager to evade the new program, Samborski claimed that the House teams may be restricted to only those essential for complete teams. "We can't have 20 or 25 men on the bench during a ball game or on the banks during a crew race," he declared.

Freshman Games Count

Freshman interdermitory athletics for the remainder of the year will be accepted for credit in the same way as House competition.

"During the summer, Freshmen may be used to complete the teams, and two new sports will be added to the curriculum." Plans for the organization of House outdoor volleyball and basketball teams for the summer session were revealed. The new activities will be supervised by members of the Athletic department who will remain over the summer, he said.

"If rain interferes with the scheduled games or meets, the players will report to the regular conditioning class in the Indoor Athletic Building," it was announced.
