
Crimson Hoopsters Smear Penn 59-33 As Hyde, Burditt Star

Yardlings Lose 82 to 72 As Undefeated Dean Academy Annexes 22nd Straight Game

It rained baskets last night in the Indoor Athletics Building as Coach Earl Brown's Varsity basketeers rolled up 59 points at will against a hapless Pennsylvania squad which totaled 33. In a preliminary game, the Yardlings sucsumbed to Dean Academy in a thriller, 82 to 72.

With the two Sophomore scoring aces, Hugh Hyde and Bunks Burditt, accounting for more than half of the Crimson total, the team jumped to an early 6 to 0 lead in the first three minutes. From then on, the Crimson pressure increased steadily as the home team widened the margin to 25 points at one time in the first half.

As the team came out on the floor for the second period with the score reading like a track meet at 34 to 12, the well-oiled Harvard team started to run in a little lower gear as the Quakers took advantage of numerous Crimson lapses to raise their total higher than it should have been.

Crimson Dominates Play

From start to finish, the game was entirely in the hands of Captain Bud Finegan's men. With Ed Rothachild playing one of his best games of the year in the back court, and with the added height of Hyde and Burditt monopolizing rebounds, the smaller visitors never had a chance.


In the Freshman game, the undefeated visiting five notched its twenty-second straight victory with the referees acting like Dean Alumni. Dean Hennessey, Don Richards, and Mike De Leo had three personal fouls on them by the end of the half.

Woddy Grimshaw of the Dean outfit did not miss more than five shots all evening as he stood under the Crimson basket and piled up 28 points to lead his team's attack. Frank Bixler was Coach Al McCoy's highest scorer with 23 points.
