
Crimson Hoopsters Battle Quakers Tonight For Fourth Place in League

Starting Lineup Probably Will Be Same As Yale Game

Tonight's Varsity hoop scramble, scheduled for 8:30 o'clock in the Indoor Athletic Building with Penn, will be more than just the last appearance of the home forces this year. It will be a battle for fourth place in the league.

The invaders, presently sitting in fourth place as a result of a five and five record, need only a win tonight to insure them at least their present position and possibly a tie for third with Cornell. Tonight will be the Crimson's last chance to improve its present fifth place standing.

If Coach Brown's men can add the Quakers and the Elis to their present victory string of three wins, they will have completed one of the prettiest reversals of form that any Varsity squad has accomplished during the current winter season.

Same Starting Lineup

Coach Brown will probably keep the same starting lineup intact as that which started the Yale game. What is developing late the most patent trio of scorers in the league will face the visiting Quakers in an attempted to repeat its 53 to 40 victory of February 28th.


This puts Bunks Burditt and Ed Buckley at the two forward lots with Hugh Hyde at center, while Captain Bud Finegan and Ed Rothschild will be on guard duty. Significant in the fact that Coach Earl Brown has only two of his regular starters of the first part of the season left. Having last Joe Romano, Don Lutze, and Chick Lutz from the team, he has only Buckley and Finegan left from his original five that faced M. I. T. last December.

Coach Len Jourdct of the visitors will start Did Levinson and Arnold Bernstchi at forwards with Charley Viguers, the team's leading individual scorer, at center. Bank Soleliac and Larry Davis, two high scoring guards, will be in the back court.

Although Penn has slowed up its pace considerably in its recent games, it is a strong team and is likely to run wild when least expected. It proudest boast is the sensational win over Dartmouth earlier in the seson.
