"Common community effort, which can best be maintained by social service organizations, is the very basis of our national life," Governor Leverett Saltonstall said in his address to the Conference on Community Service at Phillips Brooks House last Saturday afternoon.
Addressing himself to the representatives of the Intercollegiate Community Service from 45 colleges throughout the country, he said, "our system of government depends on a strong community and national life, and underlying this is a strong home life. If this home life can be maintained, then democracy will continue, regardless of what all the skeptics say."
Social Service Should Continue
In the keynote address on Saturday morning, Raymond Dennett, Graduate Secretary of Phillips Brooks House, said that the best course for college community service groups was to continue with their regular social service work and to add any defense work as was necessary or was asked for by the colleges.
"Private social service groups can greatly aid the national war effort," he said, "by extending their entertainments to the army camps, by giving industrial training courses and organizing land corps to alleviate the critical farm labor shortage. These things can be accomplished with imagination and hard work."
Round Table Held
In the round table on Defense Service Work, headed by Maxwell Miller, Regional Director of Youth activities of the Office of Civilian Defense, the possibilities of physical exams and body-building programs for everyone under 30 years of age were discussed.
At the plenary session, which concluded the conference, it was decided that the Intercollegiate Community Service should not join with the International Student Service, an independent youth organization sponsored by Max Lerner, Herbert Agar, and other prominent liberal thinkers.
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