

To the Editor of the Crimson:

The announcement in the February 6 issue of the Crimson of the new ruling to charge extra for "side orders" in the House Dining Halls had a ludicrous aspect to it, inasmuch as it appeared simultaneously with the report of a projected compulsory sports program. What good would the latter do to increase the physical toughness of Harvard students if the greater majority of these, who have been accustomed in the past to having their extra rations of fish, flesh, and fowl, are from now on to go partially hungry? An army marches on its stomach. And, assuredly, very few persons will be availing themselves of "seconds," now that they will have to pay additional for them.

Would it not be a more feasible plan, perhaps, to meet the increase in food prices by raising the board rate from $8.50 per week to $9.00 or thereabouts? Jules R. Stich '43.
