
Saltonstall, Dennett, To Address Conference

Speeches by Governor Leverett Saltonstall and Raymond Dennett, graduate secretary of Phillips Brooks House, and round table discussions will highlight the second annual Conference on Community Service, which will be held this weekend, February 6 and 7, at Phillips Brooks House.

Conference delegates, representing 45 colleges and universities, will eat dinner at Eliot House on Friday night and then take a bus trip to a Boston settlement house, Y.M.C.A., and a Boys' Club.

At the conclusion of Raymond Dennett's keynote address, round table discussions of social service problems will be held. Gerald Eisner '42 will conduct a session on Group Work and Robert C. Axtell '43 will lead a discussion on Rural Social Service. A round table on Speaking and Entertainment will be led by Joel M. Kane '43 and Bartlett Harwood, Jr. '44.

Following Governor Saltonstall's luncheon speech, futher round tables will be held on Defense Service Work, conducted by Charles S. Bridge '42, and Summer Social Service, led by Raymond Dennett.
