
House Rooms Empty As Seniors Leave College

Upperclassmen, Dropped Freshmen to Replace Them

As a result of the war crisis which is calling many University men into the fighting forces, a number of vacancies have arisen in the Houses, and it has now become possible for members of the three upper classes previously living elsewhere to transfer to House rooms. Under a new ruling designed to fill the rooms deserted by men leaving College at the end of midyears, Dropped Freshmen and other upperclassmen formerly denied House membership may now apply.

About 40 Seniors, many of whom were members of Houses, have fulfilled their requirements for degrees and graduated this month, and in addition a great many more have either volunteered or been drafted into the armed service, or have been obliged to leave College because of low marks.

To fill the resultant vacancies Dean Hanford has been obliged to revise and make less stringent the old requirements for House membership, in particualr lowering the former scholastic standards for admission. Allowing Dropped Freshmen to apply for entrance into the Houses has been the most drastic form that the new rulings have taken.

Accepting the applications for House rooms of a few transfer students entering at midyears and of a number of men who for one reason or another have returned to college after taking a few years out, the office controlling admission into the Houses has now restablished a waiting list for House rooms which will be gradually absorbed in the next few weeks as Seniors leave the University.

Dean Hanford, stating that this general exodus of Seniors has been steadily increasing for a period of about three weeks, has announced that detailed figures on the number of vacancies which have arisen and the number of additional applicants who may attain House membership will be released with in the next 10 days.


All upperclassmen who wish to occupy House rooms should apply immediately with Miss Sidell, secretary of the Committee for Admissions to the Houses at 16 University Hall.

Due to an error which appeared in a notice in yesterday's CRIMSON many Freshmen have already applied for House membership, although this is not and will not be open to them.
