Rejecting by an overwhelming margin proposals for an increase in the board rate, the College voted yesterday in the CRIMSON poll to retain the present rate of $8.50 a week, and registered varied choices for seconds and substitutions.
Nine hundred and seven votes piled in for the first alternative given on the ballots, which were distributed yesterday and the day before in House dining halls and the Union. Against these, only 183 ballots came in for the second plan, which would allow an increase in the rate to at least $10.
Durant to Get Results
The results of the poll, showing the wishes of a cross-section of the student body, will be reported to Business Manager Aldrich Durant, who has indicated that some change in the present plan is forthcoming. Together with the Student Council committee working on the problem, the University will attempt to find a suitable plan that will satisfy both the financial needs of the Dining Halls and the appetites of the students.
Since, even before the poll was taken, Durant stated that restrictions on beverages might be removed, the 374 men who voted for seconds on that item are likely to get what they wanted. Durant has also said that ice cream may soon be allowed as a substitute for other deserts. But the main course seconds, which 181, students wanted most, will be more expensive, and there are as yet no indications that it will be granted.
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