
Puck Chasers Expected to Take Terriers in Fast Contest Tonight

Game Starts Early To Avoid Blackout

Boston's first blackout has forced the starting whistle for tonight's game with Boston University to be advanced to 6:45 o'clock, so that when the lights finally do go out, the Boston Arena, scene of the engagement, will be dark and deserted. Last December the Crimson had little trouble in pinning back the Terriers' ears, 5 to 1.

Before total darkness, however, the Crimson should have cut short a threatened victory drought. Harvard has won only one of its last four games, against Army, and the onslaught of Dartmouth Saturday does not indicate a happy evening for the Crimson. Tonight, though, the puck Chasers are expected to enjoy complete command of the situation.

No Changes Contemplated

Coach John Chase still does not plan to alter the lineup upon which he decided some games ago, and it will be interesting to see if the third line, Earl Acker, Marc Beebe, and Johnny Burton, will continue as hot as in previous contests. Of the last six goals scored by the Crimson, four have come from the sticks of this trio.

Albie Everts centers the second line, flanked by Juniors Dick Harding and Caleb Loring. HARVARD  B. U. Paine, lw  lw, Anderson McGrath, c  c, McArthur Gebelein, rw  rw, Gulley Dreher, ld  ld, Shoemaker Summers, rd  rd, Blasenak O'Neill, g  g, Sullivan
