

To the Editor of the Crimson:

In view of the terrific pressure being applied by the Committee on Militant Aid to Gluttons for the repeal of the present dining hall system, I think it is time for someone to come to the defense of the plan.

Throughout the academic year the daily physical work of a student consists, on the average, of walking a few blocks, pushing a pen across paper for several hours, and, in times of emergency, turning the pages of a book. To supply the small amount of energy needed to perform that work they have been stuffing their faces with tremendous quantities of food and drink. The result has been an appalling growth of the girth-rate. At present there is so much excess weight on the typical Harvard frame that if all the men in the College were laid end to end, the result would be utterly repulsive.

Therefore, with visions before me of the day when Harvardians will cease to look like something that comes in six delicious flavors. I suggest that the status quo be maintained. G. Sirkin '42
