
Third Registration Under Selective Training And Service Act For Students and Faculty

Monday, February 16, 1942 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

By Proclamation of the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, dated January 19, 1942, issued pursuant to proclamation of the President of the United States, dated January 5, 1942, the third registration under the Selective Service Act will be held in Massachusetts on Sunday, February 15, 1942, and Monday, February 16, 1942, between the hours mentioned above.

All male residents of the United States and its territories who were born on or after February 17, 1897, and on or before December 31, 1921, and who have not previously registered under the Act or who are not specifically exempted from registration are required to register.

The University has offered to assist officials of the local draft board in carrying out the Proclamations for the registration. All students of Harvard University and all members of the Faculty falling within the classifications outlined above (whether or not Cambridge is their legal residence) may register at Memorial Hall between the hours and on the days mentioned. Students and Faculty members may also register if more convenient at designated places in their home communities.

"Every male citizen of the United States, and every other person residing in the continental United States or in the Territory of Alaska or in the Territory of Hawaii or in Puerto Rico, other than persons excepted by section 5 (a) of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended and by section 208 of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941, is required to and shall on February 16, 1943, present himself for and submit to registration before a duly designated registration official or selective service local board having jurisdiction in the area in which he has his permanent home or in which he may happen to be on that day if such male citizen or other male person on December 31, 1941, has attained the twentieth anniversary of the day of his birth and on February 16, 1942, has not attained the forth fifth anniversary of the day of his birth, and has not heretofore been registered under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 and the regulations thereunder: Provided, That the duty of any person to present himself for and submit to registration in accordance with any previous proclamation issued under said Act shall not be affected by this proclamation". --Proclamation of the President of the United States, January 5, 1942.

Students who run into difficulties with their registrar may appeal to a Chief Registrar who will be present at the above places.


An advisory committee on civil rights including Zechariah Chafee Kirtley F. Mather, professor of Geology; Morris B. Lamble, professor of Government; and Raymond Dennett, Graduate Secretary of P. B. R. will be available to advise conscientious objectors, provide information, and give legal advice concerning the Selective Service Act. It should be emphasized however that such students must register.

Those students who are not legally required to register include: (1)any student in the advanced course of ROTC or NROTC who is a contract student: and (2) students who have been accepted by and sworn into the Naval Reserve V7, the Air Corps Reserve, or the Marine Corps Reserve. Such students are urged to register nevertheless for purpose of identification with police and other officials.

Students are advised to give as their residence for draft purpose their home addresses. They are, however, entitled to register as residence of Cambridge if that is more convenient.

All foreign students in the designated are groups are required to register.
