All men who are going to register tomorrow and Monday are advised that it is best in most cases for them to choose their home rather than their College residence for their permanent address, Professor A. James Casner said yesterday.
The choice of addresses determines whether the registrants will be under the jurisdiction of their home draft board or the Cambridge board, although a person can get both his physical examination and his classification here, even if he chooses the former alternative.
Professor Casner's statement follows:
"In determining which address a student should give as his permanent address on the registration card, he should consider whether he wants the local board in Cambridge or the board governing his home area to have jurisdiction over his draft matters. Even though he should choose as his permanent address his regular home address, he still can have transferred to the board in Cambridge the job of classifying him and giving him his physical examination if he so desires and if it is inconvenient for him to return home for these matters.
No Advantage Here
"Thus, it would seem that in most cases there would be no particular advantage to the registrant to choose as his permanent address the local address
he has while here in school, and in general it is recommended that he use his home address. Since the draft board will continue to govern the affairs of the registrant for some time to come, there might be some advantage for a student in giving as his permanent address his regular home address, because in most cases that is where the student, is likely to live after completing his college work.
"In any event a student must keep the board which has jurisdiction over his case accurately informed as to the address to which he wants communications from the draft board sent to him, so that he may promptly respond to them.
Changes Go to Board
"If he gives as his permanent address his local address and as his mailing address the same address, any changes in this must be called to the attention of the draft board. In some cases it may be advisable for a student who gives as his permanent address his regular home address, to give the same address for mailing of notices from the draft board, so that he will not constantly be confronted with the necessity of notifying the draft board of changes"
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