

Started in the fall term, the plan for buying a defense bond a week by the janitors and maids of Eliot House has definitely taken root. James Mazza, assistant head janitor of Eliot House, authored the plan whereby 19 of the personnel take numbers, and contribute $1 a week towards a defense bond. The numbers are drawn to determine the order of receiving the weekly bond.

Admitting that it was no new idea, Mazza said that he had done the same thing at the Hood Rubber Company in Waltham during the first World War. By the time the plan had run its course there, Mazza's plan had sold over $3000 in bonds.

The plan will be repeated as soon as the first 19-week period ends in the third week in March. If the maids work all summer, the plan will keep going then.

Sells Bonds at Home, Too

Mazza isn't content to let his country down when he stops work. He is the President of the Italian-American Citizen's Club of Ward 9, Cambridge, which he organized seven years ago; the Club has been buying bonds regularly, though not under the Eliot House Plan.


The assistant head janitor came to this country when he was 14, because his father said "it was a better country." Mazza feels the same way now, declaring "I'm ready to fight for this country anytime."

Even if members of the pool have to drop out, the Plan will not be abandoned; all members have agreed to contribute more in place of their absent friends.
