
Men Over 20 Must Register By Monday

Third Registration, Called By President, Will Cut Into Student And Faculty Ranks

Another large chunk of the University's student body and Faculty will register under the provisions of the Selective Service and Training Act on Sunday and Monday, February 15 and 16, when the nation signs up its third batch of potential draftees. Memorial Hall, scene of the past two draft registrations, will again be the focal point for University men concerned.

Those groups chiefly affected are men who were not 21 by July 1, 1941, and who have reached their twentieth birthday as of December 31, 1941. Also men who were over 36 years of age as of October 16, 1940 and have not yet reached 45 are required to sign up.

4700 in First Draft

In the first draft, October 16, 1940, 4700 students and Faculty members were enrolled under the surveillance of 300 volunteer workers. A much smaller number is expected next week, however, and there will probably be fewer registrars.

Conscientious objectors, who numbered 35 in the 1940 registration, are also expected to be much less numerous next week. Among those not legally required to sign up then are men in the advanced course of the Naval or Military Reserve Officers' Training.
