
Hungry Harvard Sings For Seconds, But Sings in Vain

Slow to take effect, the new "starvation menu" by yesterday evening had not yet weakened students sufficiently to prevent heartfelt and biting defiance of the pay-as-you-eat plan.

Most comment was on the humorous side. Leverett's dining hall resounded with the familiar strains of "Oh give me a home where the side orders roam, Where the soups and the meats are galore . . ." But at the same House, members were signing a serious petition calling for "a popular referendum on a matter that so vitally concerns our well-being.

Both Lowell House and the Union were invaded by hungry students carrying suggestive milk bottles purchased on "the outside." Hostesses were heard to remark, "Why can those boys be carrying milk bottles?"

A sign in the Union lobby Sunday night before the zero hour commanded "Eat Like Hell," and was signed "John Harvard."
