Following the custom of the past few years, the Dean's Office will give the Graduate Record examinations from February 13 to 17 to all Seniors who wish to take them. They are also open to any Juniors on accelerated programs who plan to graduate before mid-years of 1943.
The exams, drawn up by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, are designed to test a student's general knowledge of the entire Liberal Arts course besides his particular field of concentration. Last year 300 Seniors took the tests.
Required at Grad Schools
For the past four years the examination has been required for all students entering the non-professional graduate schools of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Columbia. More recently, a number of colleges, including Harvard and Yale, have allowed Seniors to take them without charge on a purely voluntary basis.
Dean Hanford explained that the results of the examination should not only be of assistance to a student in making his plans for graduate or professional study and in connection with placement in business and industry, but the record should also be helpful at this time in throwing additional light on special aptitude or training for various forms of war service.
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