
39 Science Honors Men Will Enter Sigma Xi Tomorrow

Accelerated Juniors Elected by Society

Thirty-one members of the Class of '43, and eight of '44, will be inducted into the Harvard Chapter of Sigma XI, when that organization holds its annual meeting tomorrow night at the Faculty Club. The announcement of the elections was made by the secretary of the honorary scientific fraternity.

The inductees are Seniors who, at the close of their last year, have qualified for degrees of magna or summa cum laude in scientific fields, or Juniors in Group 1 or Group 2 who are candidates for honors in scientific fields. Regulations governing nominations and elections of new numbers were modified slightly last spring when the College adopted a wartime acceleration program.

The following were elected to the society:

Bio-chemistry: Edwin A. Beeman '43, Lloyd S. Epstein '43, Donald F. Waterman '43, Gerald H. Whipple '43.

Biology: Donald B. Hackel 43, Milton W. Hamolsky '43, Summer N. Marder '43, James A. Rafferty '43, John P. Schafer '43, Herbert M. Weiner '44.


Chemistry: Thomas C. Furnas '43, Robert L. McMurtrie '43, James C. Melrose '44, Donald D. Perry '43.

Engineering Science: Louis W. Cabot '43, William C. Dutton '43, Edward W. Garrison '43, Thomas C. Holyoke '44, Kenneth D. Johnson '43, Frank G. Miller '43.

Engineering Science and Economics: Richard H. MacNeal '43.

Geological Science: Jean A. deB. B. de Chadenedes '43, James A. Haertlein '43, Maynard M. Miller '43.

Mathematics: Matthew P. Geffney, Jr. '43, Leon E. Kruger '43, Joseph A. Zilber.

Physics: Thomas S. Kuhn '43, Henry B. Silsbee '44, John L. Stephenson '43, Paul M. Sutton '43.

Electronic Physics: Carl B. Seligman '43, Robert B. Houston '44, Thomas S. Kuhn '43, Philip S. Jastram '44, William H. Forster '44, James H. Reynolds '43, Henry P. Noyes '43, Paul W. Anderson 44.
