

Questionnaires Set to Go Out with Spring Study Cards

To obtain a complete picture of every undergraduate's war status, University Hall will include a special survey questionnaire in the spring study cards which will be distributed this weekend.

Made necessary by the present incomplete and scattered information and by the lack of a system of cross-tabulation, this will be the first attempt to establish a complete record of the under graduate body for immediate reference.

Several Other Queries, Too

In addition to finding the student's relations with the aRmy and Navy, the poll also will discover his physical, financial and academic positon, and his plans for the near future.

Upperclassmen must return their completed cards by next Thursday, while Freshmen have until December 15. If a student does not receive his card by Monday, he should obtain one at University Hall 3 immediately.


Their Importance Stressed

The Dean's Office also stressed the necessity for all students to fill out the questionnaires and turn them in on time, whether or not they expect to return after the Christmas holidays. Those who think they will be back should also fill out the regular study card section.

Men already classified will report their standing, while those not yet passed upon by their draft boards state their probable fate. If students are in a reserve program, Mil Sci, or Naval sci, they will give this, and pre-meds and men preparing for a specialized branch of the service will record this fact.

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